MINUTES of Meeting No. 770

Tuesday, April 13, 1999, 1:00 p.m.

Francis F. Campbell City Council Room

Plaza Level of City Hall

Tulsa Civic Center














Ballentine, NBH Insp.

Dunham, Vice Chair



Parnell,  NBH Insp.

Turnbo, Secretary



Prather, Legal





White, Chair





The notice and agenda of said meeting was posted in the Office of the City Clerk on Wednesday, April 7, 1999, at 10:40 a.m., as well as in the Reception Area of the INCOG offices.


After declaring a quorum present, Chair, White called the meeting to order at 1:07 p.m.




        On MOTION of PERKINS, the Board voted 4-0-1 (Cooper, Dunham, Perkins, Turnbo, "aye"; no "nays", White "abstentions”; no "absent") to APPROVE the Minutes of March 9, 1999 (No. 768).






Case No. 18276


      Action Requested:

        Minor Variance to reduce the minimum 10’ side yard in an RM-2 district to 5’ to permit the construction of single family homes.  SECTION 403.  BULK AND AREA REQUIREMENTS IN THE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS – Use Unit 6, located 61st St. & S. Madison Pl.



        The applicant, James H. Beale, was not present.


      Interested Parties:



      Comments and Questions:

        Mr. Beach stated that the Board granted the same relief on an adjacent property a month or two ago and these lots were inadvertently excluded from the previous application. 


      Board Action:

On MOTION of PERKINS, the Board voted 4-0-1 (Cooper, Turnbo, Perkins, White "aye"; no "nays", Dunham "abstentions”; no "absent") to APPROVE Minor Variance to reduce the minimum 10’ side yard in an RM-2 district to 5’ to permit the construction of single family homes, finding that the Variance meet the requirements of Section 1607.C.,  SECTION 403.  BULK AND AREA REQUIREMENTS IN THE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS – Use Unit 6, on the following described property:


Lots 13-16, Block 7, Towne Park Addition, City of Tulsa, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma.




Case No. 18330


Action Requested:

        Site plan review, located 1365 E. 46th Street North.



        The applicant, Ella M. Suttle, 1944 South 140th E. Ave., Tulsa, OK 74108, submitted a site plan (Exhibit A-1).


      Comments and Questions:

        Mr. Beach informed the Board that they approved the use on this property on March 9 and the only thing that was outstanding was a site plan review.


      Board Action:

        On MOTION of DUNHAM, the Board voted 5-0-0 (Cooper, Dunham, Turnbo, Perkins, White "aye"; no "nays", no "abstentions”; no "absent") to APPROVE a Site plan submitted, on the following described property:


The W/2 of the SE/4 of the SW of the SW/4 of Section 7, T-20-N, R-13-E of the IBM, east of N. Cincinnati Ave. and north of 30th St. N., City of Tulsa, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma.



Case No. 18353


Action Requested:

        Special Exception to waive the screening requirement along the north property line abutting a residential district.  SECTION 212.C.4.  SCREENING WALL OR FENCE, Modification of the Screening Wall or Fence Requirement – Use Unit 17, located 7901 E. 21st St. S.



        The applicant, Ralph Gray, was represented by Robert Gardner, 4211 E. 80th Place, Tulsa, OK 74136, stated that the application was approved as to use at the previous hearing and the only item remaining was the relocation of the screening fence.  Mr. Gardner submitted a photograph of the fence (Exhibit B-1).  The easternmost corner of the fence is 69” and they would like to be able to continue the height of the fence.  On the west side of the building the fence is 6’ and above.  The top of the existing fence is almost to the roof eaves of the apartment complex behind it. 


      Interested Parties:



      Board Action:

        On MOTION of DUNHAM, the Board voted 5-0-0 (Cooper, Dunham, Turnbo, Perkins, White "aye"; no "nays", no "abstentions”; no "absent") to APPROVE Special Exception to waive the screening requirement along the north property line abutting a residential district, finding that the special exception will be in harmony with the spirit and intent of the Code, and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare.  SECTION 212.C.4.  SCREENING WALL OR FENCE, Modification of the Screening Wall or Fence Requirement – Use Unit 17 on the following described property:


The E 125’ of the W 155’ of the N 115’ of the S 165’ of the SW/4 of the SE/4 of the SE/4 of the SE/4 of Section 11, T-19-N, R-13-E of the IBM, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma.



Case No. 18354


Action Requested:

        Special Exception to permit a manufactured home in an AG district. SECTION 301.  PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED IN THE AGRICULTURE DISTRICT – Use Unit 9, located NW of 31st St. N. & 41st W. Ave.



        The applicant, Stephanie Underhill, 4701 W. 31st St. N., submitted a site plan (Exhibit C-1) and stated that she would like to move a mobile home onto her property that has been part of her family for many years. 


      Comments and Questions:

        Mr. White read a letter submitted by Councilor Joe Williams, District 1 and Councilor Roscoe Turner, District 3.  The letter basically states that they are in opposition to any manufactured homes in both districts.  They oppose the manufactured homes in all cases. 


        Ms. Turnbo stated that this is a very remote area and is not in a neighborhood. 


      Board Action:

        On MOTION of TURNBO, the Board voted 5-0-0 (Cooper, Dunham, Turnbo, Perkins, White "aye"; no "nays", no "abstentions”; no "absent") to APPROVE Special Exception to permit a manufactured home in an AG district, finding that the special exception will be in harmony with the spirit and intent of the Code, and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare.  SECTION 301.  PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED IN THE AGRICULTURE DISTRICT – Use Unit 9, per plan submitted, on the following described property:


Section 20; T-20-N, R-12-E, W/2 NE SW NE, N/2 SW SW NE W/2 SE SW NE less .47 acres for street, Osage County, State of Oklahoma.




Case No. 18359


Action Requested:

        Variance to place business sign on lot other than lot of record on which business is located. SECTION 1221.C.  USE UNIT 21.  BUSINESS SIGNS AND OUTDOOR ADVERTISING, General Use Conditions for Business Signs; SECTION 1221.C.  USE UNIT 21.  BUSINESS SIGNS AND OUTDOOR ADVERTISING, CS District Use Conditions for Business Signs; SECTION 1221.C.  USE UNIT 21.  BUSINESS SIGNS AND OUTDOOR ADVERTISING, CG, CH, CBD, IL, IM and IH Use Conditions for Business Signs; and SECTION 1221.C.  USE UNIT 21.  BUSINESS SIGNS AND OUTDOOR ADVERTISING, Use Conditions for Outdoor Advertising Signs, located NE/c E. 91st St. & S. 101st E. Ave.


      Comments and Questions:

        Mr. Beach mentioned to the Board that he believes that Mr. Moody may have resolved the issue for the requested sign permit.  They will withdraw the application when they have received the permit.  Mr. Beach believes that Mr. Moody is still going through process.  Mr. Beach suggested continuing the case and he will get in touch with Mr. Moody before the next meeting. 


      Interested Parties:



      Board Action:

On MOTION of DUNHAM, the Board voted 4-0-1 (Cooper, Dunham, Perkins, White "aye"; no "nays", Turnbo "abstentions”; no "absent") to CONTINUE Case No. 18359 to the meeting of April 27, 1999.




Case No. 18361


        Action Requested:

        Minor Variance of the required rear yard setback from 20’ to 16’ for construction of a new room.  SECTION 403.  BULK AND AREA REQUIREMENTS IN THE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS – Use Unit 6, located 9749 E. 5th Street.



        The applicant, Karen Felkner, 9749 E. 5th Street, was represented by Jim Lewis who submitted a site plan (Exhibit D-1) and stated that they had measured their setback wrong and asked for the wrong relief at the last meeting.  The case was continued and renoticed for the proper setback of 16’. 


      Board Action:

        On MOTION of DUNHAM, the Board voted 5-0-0 (Cooper, Dunham, Perkins, Turnbo, White "aye"; no "nays", no "abstentions”; no "absent") to APPROVE Minor Variance of the required rear yard setback from 20’ to 16’ for construction of a new room, finding that the Variance meet the requirements of Section 1607.C.,   SECTION 403.  BULK AND AREA REQUIREMENTS IN THE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS – Use Unit 6 on the following described property:


Lot 25, Block 12, Amended Rosewood Addition, City of Tulsa, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma.






Case No. 18363


        Action Requested:

        Special Exception to permit a temporary tent for produce sales during the months of April, May, June and July and from Thanksgiving through Christmas for five years.  SECTION 701.  PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED IN COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS – Use Unit 2, located 11102 E. 21st St.



        The applicant, Richard L. Jones, 11944 E. 15th Street, Tulsa, OK 74128, submitted a site plan (Exhibit E-1) and stated that he has been operating on the property for eight years.


      Comments and Questions:

        Mr. White suggested limiting the days of operation to 179 days per year.


      Interested Parties:



      Board Action:

        On MOTION of TURNBO, the Board voted 5-0-0 (Cooper, Dunham, Turnbo, Perkins White "aye"; no "nays", no "abstentions”; no "absent") to APPROVE Special Exception to permit a temporary tent for produce sales during the months of April, May, June and July and from Thanksgiving through Christmas for five years, finding that the special exception will be in harmony with the spirit and intent of the Code, and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare.  SECTION 701.  PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED IN COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS – Use Unit 2, not to exceed 179 days per year for five years, starting in 1999, on the following described property:


Beg. NW/c of Lot 3, Block 1, Amended Plat of Garnett Acres, thence E 80’: thence S 250’ thence W 80’ thence N 250’ tot he POB, City of Tulsa, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma.




Case No. 18365


Action Requested:

        Variance of livability space from 7,000 SF to 6,700 SF.  SECTION 403.  BULK AND AREA REQUIREMENTS IN THE RESIDNETIAL DISTRICTS – Use Unit 6; a Variance of the required front yard from 35’ to 24’.  SECTION 403.  BULK AND AREA REQUIREMENTS IN THE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS; a Variance of the required rear yard from 25’ to 24’.  SECTION 403.  BULK AND AREA REQUIREMENTS IN THE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS and a Special Exception to permit a 6’ fence in the required front yard.  SECTION 210.B.3.  YARDS, Permitted Obstructions in Required Yards, located SE/c E. 30th St. & 30th Street.


      Comments and Questions:

        Mr. Beach mentioned to the Board that the applicant requested the continuance and it was made in a timely manner. 


        Mr. White stated that the actual address is 1780 E. 30th Street.


      Board Action:

        On MOTION of DUNHAM, the Board voted 5-0-0 (Cooper, Dunham, Turnbo, Perkins, White "aye"; no "nays", no "abstentions”; no "absent") to CONTINUE Case No. 18365 to the meeting of April 27, 1999.




Case No. 18366


        Action Requested:

        Variance of allowable height for structure from 35’ to 37’.  SECTION 403. BULK AND AREA REQUIREMENTS IN THE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS – Use Unit 6, located 3030 S. Madison.



        The applicant, Brian L. Freese, 5319 S. Lewis, Ste. 211, Tulsa, OK, submitted a site plan (Exhibit F-1) and stated that the home is in a neighborhood that was constructed in the 1940’s.  The house is two stories and they would like to add two bedrooms to the existing two bedrooms to bring it up to the standard of the rest of the neighborhood.  Mr. Freese would like to continue the existing roof pitch to cover the proposed addition to the house.


      Interested Parties:


         Board Action:

        On MOTION of TURNBO, the Board voted 5-0-0 (Cooper, Dunham, Turnbo, Perkins White "aye"; no "nays", no "abstentions”; no "absent") to APPROVE a Variance of allowable height for structure from 35’ to 37’.  SECTION 403. BULK AND AREA REQUIREMENTS IN THE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS – Use Unit 6 finding the hardship being that the home was constructed in the 1940’s and they are keeping the pitch and the integrity of the architecture, on the following described property:


Lot 6 and that portion of Lot 7, more particularly described as follows:  commencing at a point on the NE/c of said Lot, thence along the Nly lot line of said Lot in a NWly direction a distance of 176.03’ to the NW/c of said Lot, thence S along the W line of said Lot a distance of 55.6’ thence in a SEly direction in a straight line to a point on the SE/c of said lot line thence NEly along the E line of said Lot to point of beginning, all in Block 1, of the amended plat of Adams and Reddin Resubdivision of Block 2 and 3, Southmoor Addition to the City of Tulsa, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma.




Case No. 18369


        Action Requested:

        Special Exception to permit Use Unit 14 uses in an IL district.  SECTION 901.  PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED IN INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS – Use Unit 14, located NW/c 51st St. S. & 101st E. Ave.



        The applicant, Samuel J. Smith, 11106 S. Sandusky Ave, Tulsa, OK 74137, submitted a site plan (Exhibit G-1) and stated that they are asking for Use Unit 14 in an IL District.  They are building an office/warehouse type configuration.  Ms. Smith stated that they have a prospective tenant who’s business is wholesale tile with minor retail.  The area that the building is in has the same type of tenant up and down the street. 


      Comments and Questions:

        Ms. Turnbo asked the applicant to explain the type of materials to be sold.  Mr. Smith replied that they would like retail building material establishments that would cover tile and carpet.  Paint stores and interior decorating would also be suitable. 


        Mr. Dunham stated that the use is in accordance with other types of uses in the area. 

           Ms. Turnbo asked the applicant if he had a concern with a condition that it be limited to a home furnishing establishment?  Mr. Smith replied that they would like to be able to rent to as wide a spectrum as possible.  They would like to be approved for all types of building wholesale such as paint stores, building materials, decorating items.


        Mr. White asked Staff to address their Staff Comments.  Mr. Beach stated that there are certain commercial uses that are put into Use Unit 14 that really have an industrial character about them such as building materials, etc.  Mr. Beach spoke with Dane Matthews, who is heavily involved in the Comprehensive Planning in the INCOG office, and she noted that this area has not developed in the way that the Comprehensive Plan anticipated and they are considering looking at this area again to include allowing some commercial uses because that is how the area is growing. 


        Mr. Dunham stated that he has no problem with this use in this area.  Mr. White mentioned that he does not have a problem with it but he is worried about the scope of the permitted uses under Use Unit 14.  Mr. Beach suggested that the Board limit the approval to certain types Use Unit 14 uses. 


        Ms. Turnbo asked the applicant if he would approve of limiting the use to home furnishings establishment, paint store, and the retail building material.  Mr. Smith replied that interior decorating would also be appropriate as would a wall paper store.  Mr. Smith also suggested office and business machine such as a Kinko’s and a garden supply store.  Mr. Smith stated that they are not trying to put in a gas station or clothing retail mainly building/construction oriented.


      Interested Parties:



      Board Action:

        On MOTION of DUNHAM, the Board voted 5-0-0 (Cooper, Dunham, Turnbo, Perkins, White "aye"; no "nays", no "abstentions”; no "absent") to APPROVE Special Exception to permit Use Unit 14 uses in an IL district, finding that the special exception will be in harmony with the spirit and intent of the Code, and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare.  SECTION 901.  PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED IN INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS – Use Unit 14 subject to the following uses being permitted: (1) Office and Business machine sales; (2) Garden supply store; (3) Hardware store; (4) Home Furnishing with the uses listed in the Zoning Code; (5) Office Furnishing Establishment; (6) Office machine sales; (7) Office supply stores; (8) Paint store; (9) Wallpaper store; (10) Retail Building Establishments with the uses listed in the Zoning Code; (11) Interior Decorating with retail sales; (12) Locksmith and all other Use Unit 14 uses being excluded, on the following described property:


        A tract of land that is part of the SW/4 of the SW/4 of Section 30, T-19-N, R-14-E of the IBM, City of Tulsa, Tulsa County, Oklahoma and also part of Lots 1 through 14, Block 51, Town of Alsuma, and the vacated alley way in Block 51, Town of Alsuma, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, said tract of land being described as follows:  Commencing at the SW/4 of said Section 30; thence due E along the Sly line of Section 30 for 990.00’; thence N 00°09’05” W for 50.00’ to the point of beginning of said tract of land; thence continuing N 00°08’05” W for 350.00’; thence due E and parallel with the Sly line of Section 30 for 237.50’ to a point on the Wly line of said Block 51 thence S 00°08’05” E along said Wly line for 175.00’; thence due E and parallel with the Sly line of Section 30 for 177.50’ to a point on the Ely line of said Block 51, thence S 00°08’05” E along said Ely line for 150.00’ to a point that is 50.00’ Nly the SE/c of Block 51; thence S 44°55’57” W for 35.31’ to a point that is 25.00’ Nly of the Sly line of Block 51; thence due W and parallel with the Sly line of Section 30 for 390.00’ to the point of beginning of said tract of land.




Case No. 18370


        Action Requested:

        Special Exception to allow a tent and outdoor special events in an RS-3 zoned district for four periods in 1999 as follows:  April 30 – May 1; June 26 – 27; August 20-August 21; September 24 – September 25.  SECTION 401.  PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS – Use Unit 2, located 2210 S. Main. 



        The applicant, Carol Swarthout, was represented by Wendy Thomas, 2016 E. 17th Place, who submitted a site plan (Exhibit H-1).  Ms. Thomas stated that she is appearing on behalf of the Tulsa Arts and Humanities Council.  Ms. Thomas mentioned that she was before the Board last year and was approved for two events and they are asking to be approved for four events this year.  They have arranged for parking in the Adkar Shrine Temple and the Junior Chamber of Commerce.  Ms. Thomas spent a lot of time with the neighbors last year and their main concern was parking problems.  The Arts and Humanities Council provided them with private parking signs and they were successful.  After the events last year, they received no complaints.


      Interested Parties:



      Board Action:

        On MOTION of DUNHAM, the Board voted 5-0-0 (Cooper, Dunham, Turnbo, Perkins, White "aye"; no "nays", no "abstentions”; no "absent") to APPROVE a Special Exception to allow a tent and outdoor special events in an RS-3 zoned district for four periods in 1999 as follows:  April 30 – May 1; June 26 – 27; August 20-August 21; September 24 – September 25, finding that the special exception will be in harmony with the spirit and intent of the Code, and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare.  SECTION 401.  PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS – Use Unit 2 on the following described property:


        Harwelden, Block 1, a resubdivision of Block 4, Riverside Addition, City of Tulsa, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma.




Case No. 18371


        Action Requested:

        Minor Special Exception of front yard requirement of 25’ to 21’ for the construction of a new house.  SECTION 403.  BULK AND AREA REQUIREMENTS IN THE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS – Use Unit 6, located E of the SE/c E. 83rd St. & S. 65th E. Ave.



The applicant, Bruce Berman, 9619 S. 68th E. Ave., submitted a site plan (Exhibit I-1) and stated that he and his wife have developed a plan for a house which is a one story plan.  They discovered that instead of the 11’ easement shown on the plat there is a 21’ easement.  Mr. Berman stated that they had an architect lay out a plan for them that was 3,200 SF, one story plan with glass across the back with a view of the pool.  The pool was going to be 18’ x 36’.  With the 21’ easement instead of the 11’ easement they would not be able to put the pool in.  The entire house was designed to showcase the pool.  Mr. Berman asked the Board to approve the request and allow him to have a 21’ setback so he can build a 13’ pool width. 


Lindsay Perkins, 4735 S. Atlanta Place, stated that he is the developer of Crescent subdivision at 81st and Sheridan.  Lindsay Perkins mentioned to the Board that there was a Scrivener’s error on the plat.  The easement should be 21’ and not 11’.  Lindsay Perkins has spoken with the owners of Lots 1, 2 and 4 and none of them have a problem with the variance.  There will not be any impact on any of the other surrounding properties. 


      Comments and Questions:

        Cheryl Perkins asked Lindsay Perkins if he explained to the adjacent homeowners that this garage will stick out four feet in front of their building line.  Lindsay Perkins stated that none of surrounding homeowners had a problem with it.


      Interested Parties:



      Board Action:

On MOTION of COOPER, the Board voted 4-1-0 (Cooper, Dunham, Turnbo, White "aye"; Perkins "nays", no "abstentions”; no "absent") to APPROVE Minor Special Exception of front yard requirement of 25’ to 21’ for the construction of a new house, finding that the special exception will be in harmony with the spirit and intent of the Code, and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare.  SECTION 403.  BULK AND AREA REQUIREMENTS IN THE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS – Use Unit 6, per plan with the 20’ proposed building being excluded, on the following described property:


Lot 3, Block 2, The Crescent (Crescent Court), City of Tulsa, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma




Case No. 18372


        Action Requested:

        Special Exception to allow Use Unit 17 in a CS zoned district.  SECTION 701.  PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED IN COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS – Use Unit 17, located W of NW/c E. 49th St. S. & S. Memorial.



        The applicant, Gale Plummer, 2105 N. Yellow wood, Broken Arrow, stated that this property is adjacent to Ernie Miller Pontiac.  They are asking for that area to be allowed to have Use Unit 17 within the CS zoning.  The use would be automotive sales, it will actually be an extension of the Ernie Miller’s operation accommodating the parts business.


      Comments and Questions:

        Ms. Turnbo asked Mr. Plummer if there will be auto repairs on the property?  Mr. Plummer replied that the final decision on what will be on the property has not been decided.  There are a few buildings on the property and some will be removed and some will be used.  The service department will remain where it is. 


        Mr. Dunham asked Mr. Beach if this property was zoned IL would Use Unit 17 be allowed and Mr. Beach answered affirmatively. 


        Mr. Beach stated that within a CS District, Use Unit 17 uses may not have outside storage of merchandise for sale within 300’ of a residential district.  He pointed out that this property is bordered on the west by RM-2.   He advised the applicant that if he needs relief from that requirement he needs to be advertised for that relief. 


        Ms. Turnbo suggested that the case be continued and readvertised for a waiver of the setback.


      Interested Parties:



      Board Action:

On MOTION of DUNHAM, the Board voted 5-0-0 (Cooper, Dunham, Turnbo, Perkins White "aye"; no "nays", no "abstentions”; no "absent") to CONTINUE Case No. 18372 to the meeting of May 11, 1999 to allow time for additional relief to be advertised.




Case No. 18374


        Action Requested:

        Special Exception to allow an auto repair – six bays (Use Unit 17) and a mini storage facility (Use Unit 16) in a CS zoned district.  SECTION 701.  PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED IN COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS – Use Unit 16 & 17 and a Special Exception of the screening requirements on the north and south boundaries.  SECTION 1216.C.1.  USE UNIT 16.  MINI-STORAGE, Use Conditions, located 2940 W. Skelly Drive.



        The applicant, Rob Coday, was represented by Cliff Kirkpatrick, who submitted a site plan (Exhibit J-1).  Mr. Kirkpatrick stated that he has been in this location for 17 years.  In December, Mr. Kirkpatrick was not able to replace his gasoline tanks and bring them into compliance with the laws so he removed them and closed down his filling station.  Mr. Kirkpatrick would like to enlarge his service bays and do mostly repair work on vehicles.  Mr. Kirkpatrick has considered putting in a mini-storage.  Right now the repair business is more important than the mini-storage, it may be developed at a later date. 


      Interested Parties:

        Councilor Darla Hall, Council District 2, stated that she was informed that Mr. Kirkpatrick was clearing his property of trees and bushes.  Code Enforcement was called to get him to stop the clearing.  Councilor Hall believes that Mr. Kirkpatrick may be trying to put in a salvage yard and that is against the Comprehensive Plan and that would not be favorable with the neighborhood.  Councilor Hall stated that the request for no screening needs to be denied.  There is a residential neighborhood to the south and screening should be required.  Mr. Kirkpatrick’s property is at the top of a hill and the residences are at the bottom.  Because of his clearing of the land it could cause a drainage and flooding problem for the residents.  Councilor Hall has no problem with Mr. Kirkpatrick having an auto repair business on the property as long as it is properly screened.


        Ms. Turnbo asked Councilor Hall if she had an objection with having mini-storage on the property.  Councilor Hall replied that she did not have a problem with mini-storage on the property as long as the drainage/flooding problems are addressed and the proper screening is done. 


        Ron McGee, 5211 S. 32nd W. Place, stated that he has lived in the area for over 14 years.  Mr. McGee mentioned that he has seen Mooser Creek flood and he is worried about Mr. Kirkpatrick tearing down all the trees and creating a flooding problem. 


        Marilyn McGee, stated that she is the Vice President of Mountain Manor Neighborhood Association and eighteen of the homeowners have asked to speak today.  Ms. McGee mentioned that they are opposed to any type of mini-storage on the property.  There are several other mini-storage facilities within one mile of this property.   They also object to no screening.  Ms. McGee is concerned about the flooding problem. 


        Ms. Turnbo asked Ms. McGee is she is objecting to the special exception to allow auto repair?  Ms. McGee replied that they do not object to auto repair as long as it is screened and kept clean. 


        Sue McKinney, 5210 S. 32nd W. Place, stated that her only concern is about a possible flooding problem.  Ms. McKinney would also like to have a screening fence put in place so they do not have to look at his property.


        Paula Revis, 5207 S. 32nd W. Place, mentioned that her house is Mr. Kirkpatrick’s south border.  Ms. Revis has had flooding problems in the past from Mooser Creek and is worried about the leveling of this property causing more flooding problems on her property.  Ms. Revis objects to any change being made to the natural “wooded” area of Mooser Creek.  Ms. Revis would like to see screening placed on the south side of Mr. Kirkpatrick’s property and that it be maintained. 


Councilor Hall, stated that Mooser Creek has been identified by the National Parks to make it a natural habitat.  They have received Park Grant money and Councilor Hall does not want to see anything happen to this portion of the creek. 


      Comments and Questions:

Mr. White asked Staff if there is any review by Stormwater Management that has to take place on any of this for work that has been done or is proposed to be done?  Mr. Stump replied yes, in order for them to receive a building permit they have to show that they were complying with the City’s Stormwater Management regulations.


      Applicant’s Rebuttal:

Ron Kirkpatrick, Clifford Kirkpatrick’s brother, stated that they have removed the gasoline tanks on the property.  There is a strip of property behind the filling station and he took his grader there and leveled some of it.  There is no water running off that portion.  The creek looks like a jungle and it is a 30’ drop from their property to the creek.  There are no plans to build that far down.  The city has classified it as non-developable.  The back of the mini-storage facility will be an 8’ metal wall and will serve as a screening fence.


      Comments and Questions:

           Mr. White asked the applicant how far back from the existing building has the land been cleared?  Mr. Kirkpatrick replied that it has been filled for years but a final grade was put on it.  That is all they have done is grade the area.  Mr. Kirkpatrick stated that he has no intention to do anything on the property except minor repair work and possibly operate a mini-storage. 


        Mr. Dunham mentioned that the Board really does not get into stormwater management issues, those issues will be taken up by stormwater management through the City. 


        Mr. Cooper mentioned that he is uncomfortable waiving the screening requirements on the south boundary.  The rest of the Board agreed.


        Mr. Cooper feels that Mr. Kirkpatrick is requesting a very low intensity use for a CS District.  Mr. Cooper believes that mini-storage is a low intensity use and a good use for this property.


        Ms. Turnbo stated that she is in favor of the auto repair and not the mini-storage.  Mr. Cooper asked why she would not be in favor of the mini-storage and Ms. Turnbo replied that she thinks that it would be too much use on the property.   Mr. Stump pointed out that the applicant has about 130’ of setback from the south property line to the first mini-storage building. 


        Ms. Turnbo asked if the “greenbelt” along the creek will be left as is or if it will be developed.  Mr. Stump relied that it will be left as is.


        Mr. Stump stated to the Board that if the mini-storage compatibility is a concern, there is a set of conditions for mini-storage facilities in multi-family districts.  The Board could impose those same RM-2 conditions on this mini-storage facility.  Mr. Stump summarized the conditions. 


        Ms. Turnbo stated that she could support the mini-storage with those RM conditions and considering the fact that there is 130’ between the proposed mini-storage facility and the adjoining R district.


      Board Action:

        On MOTION of DUNHAM, the Board voted 5-0-0 (Cooper, Dunham, Turnbo, Perkins, White "aye"; no "nays", no "abstentions”; no "absent") to APPROVE Special Exception to allow an auto repair – six bays (Use Unit 17;) , not including body and paint shop, no storage of inoperable vehicles outside; and a mini storage facility (Use Unit 16) in a CS zoned district; with the conditions set forth in an RM-1 district; the south wall of the mini-storage being constructed out of masonry material and serve as the screening fence, SECTION 701.  PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED IN COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS – Use Unit 16 & 17 and a Special Exception of the screening requirements on the north and south boundaries.  SECTION 1216.C.1.  USE UNIT 16.  MINI-STORAGE, Use Conditions; per plan submitted, finding that the special exceptions will be in harmony with the spirit and intent of the Code, and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare, on the following described property:


        E 100’ of the W 508.72’, Lot 1, Block 1 and the E 100’ of the W 198.81’ S 29’ W 260’ NE, NW, NW Section 34, T-19-N, R-12-E and E 200’ W 408.72’ of Lot 1 and S 29’ E 101.28’ of vacated E. 52nd St. adjacent on N of Block 1 and W 98.81’ S 29’ W 260’ NE, NW, NW Section 34, T-19-N, R-12-E.




Case No. 18375


        Action Requested:

        Special Exception to permit auto sales in a CS district. SECTIO 701.  PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED IN COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS – Use Unit 17, located 13148 E. 11th Street.



        The applicant, Chris Turner, 17102 E. 11th Street, submitted a site plan (Exhibit K-1) and stated that this property is an old filling station and the tanks have been removed and all the environmental work has been done on it.  Mr. Turner would like to put auto sales on the property.  It is surrounded by automotive uses on three sides and by an abandoned house behind it. 


      Interested Parties:

        John Roy, 9018 E. 38th Street, Tulsa, OK 74145, stated that he is appearing on behalf of the East Tulsa Mingo Valley Association.  They do not oppose the use of this property as auto sales.  Mr. Roy mentioned that this lot is not hard surfaced and he would like to make it a condition that it be hard surfaced.  Mr. Roy submitted a list of restrictions (Exhibit K-2) that they would like to have made as part of the conditions of approval.  The conditions are as follows:  (1) no chain like fences allowed on the north, west and the east sides; (2) perimeter barrier must not be higher than three feet; (3) no banners, streamers being hung from poles, light poles, buildings, etc.; (4) only light mechanical work is allowed but it must be done inside a building; (5) parking must comply with the Code. 


      Applicant’s Rebuttal:

        Mr. Turner stated that they are going to asphalt the lot completely and they plan to meet all the Code requirements on screening.  They are not planning to do any mechanical work on the property. 


        Mr. Dunham asked Staff about their comment of no outside display of autos for sale within 300’ of an abutting R district.  Mr. Beach stated this is a requirement of the Zoning Code.  Mr. Turner mentioned that he was never informed he had to ask for that relief.  Mr. Jackere informed the Board that the applicant’s case needs to be continued and notice needs to be given for the relief specified. 


        Mr. Turner stated that it is their intention to have a wrought iron fence surrounding the property that would be taller than three feet.  The cars that he will be displaying for sale are classic and antique cars and he does not want people to be able to climb on them after hours. 


      Board Action:

        On MOTION of DUNHAM, the Board voted 5-0-0 (Cooper, Dunham, Turnbo, Perkins, White "aye"; no "nays", no "abstentions”; no "absent") to APPROVE Special Exception to permit auto sales in a CS district, finding that the special exception will be in harmony with the spirit and intent of the Code, and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare.  SECTION 701.  PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED IN COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS – Use Unit 17; subject to the conditions submitted by the Interested Party with the exception of (2) the fence height can be higher than three feet, provided that it is made of wrought iron and CONTINUE the rest of the case to give the applicant time to advertise for additional relief for setback to the May 11, 1999 meeting; per plan, on the following described property:


        The N 150’ of the E 202’ of the E/2 of the NE/4 of the NW/4 of the NW/4 of Section 9, T-19-N, R-14-E of the IBM, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma.




Case No. 18376


        Action Requested:

        Special Exception to permit temporary bedding plants, produce and Christmas tree sales for April 15, 1999 for 179 days per year for a period of five years.  SECTION 701.  PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED IN COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS – Use Unit 2 located 3212 E. 91st St. S.



        The applicant, Jeff Ogilvie, 3212 E. 91st Street, submitted a site plan (Exhibit L-1).


      Comments and Questions:

        Mr. Beach stated that the application requested relief from the hard surface requirement but it failed to be included with the notice.  New notice has been given for April 27 for that relief.  It is not necessary for the case to be continued because the notice has already been given.


      Interested Parties:



      Board Action:

        On MOTION of DUNHAM, the Board voted 5-0-0 (Cooper, Dunham, Perkins Turnbo, White "aye"; no "nays", no "abstentions”; no "absent") to APPROVE Special Exception to permit temporary bedding plants, produce and Christmas tree sales for April 15, 1999 for 179 days per year for a period of five years.  SECTION 701.  PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED IN COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS – Use Unit 2 on the following described property:


        NE, NE, NE Section 20, T-18-N, R-13-E, City of Tulsa, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma.




Case No. 18377


        Action Requested:

        Special Exception to permit temporary bedding plants from April 15, 1999 for a period of five years.  SECTION 701.  PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED IN COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS – Use Unit 2, located N of NW/c 61st St. & S. Yale.



        The applicant, Jeff Ogilvie, 3212 E. 91st Street, submitted a site plan (Exhibit M-1).  Mr. Ogilvie stated to the Board that at this location he will only be selling bedding plants, no Christmas trees and it will probably only be in the Spring and early Fall. 


      Comments and Questions:

        Mr. White mentioned to the applicant that the tent and outdoor displays must not occupy required parking spaces for the shopping center.  Mr. Ogilvie replied that there is an abundance of parking spaces on the lot.


      Interested Parties:



      Board Action:

        On MOTION of DUNHAM, the Board voted 5-0-0 (Cooper, Dunham, Perkins, Turnbo White, "aye"; no "nays", no "abstentions”; no "absent") to APPROVE Special Exception to permit temporary bedding plants from April 15, 1999 for a period of five years, finding that the special exception will be in harmony with the spirit and intent of the Code, and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare.   SECTION 701.  PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED IN COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS – Use Unit 2, for 179 days per year, on the following described property:


E 100’ of the W 508.72’, Lot 1, Block 1 and the E 100’ of the W 198.81’ S 29’ W 260’ NE, NW, NW Section 34, T-19-N, R-12-E and E 200’ W 408.72’ of Lot 1 and S 29’ E 101.28’ of vacated E. 52nd St. adjacent on N of Block 1 and W 98.81’ S 29’ W 260’ NE, NW, NW Section 34, T-19-N, R-12-E




Case No. 18378


        Action Requested:

        Minor Special Exception of required front setback from 30’ to 28.6’ and to allow a 3’ encroachment of a covered porch.  SECTION 403.  BULK AND AREA REQUIREMENTS IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS – Use Unit 6, located 4526 E. 85th St.



        The applicant, Todd Goodwin, 8033 S. 79th E. Ave., Tulsa, OK, submitted a site plan (Exhibit N-1) and stated that he is the builder for the property. This lot is on the side of a hill and it is a very difficult place to build.  The grade is actually 19’ to 20’ below street level and the pins are 12’ from the curb.  The home was accidentally pushed forward (shown on site plan).  The mistake was not discovered until the framing and high walls were put in place. 


      Interested Parties:



      Board Action:

        On MOTION of DUNHAM, the Board voted 5-0-0 (Cooper, Dunham, Perkins, Turnbo White "aye"; no "nays", no "abstentions”; no "absent") to APPROVE Minor Special Exception of required front setback from 30’ to 28.6” and to allow a 3’ encroachment of a covered porch, finding that the special exception will be in harmony with the spirit and intent of the Code, and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare.  SECTION 403.  BULK AND AREA REQUIREMENTS IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS – Use Unit 6, per plan, on the following described property:


Lot 11, Block 2, Brookwood II, City of Tulsa, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma.





Case No. 18379


        Action Requested:

        Special Exception to permit a mechanical plant in CBD and IL zoned districts.  SECTION 701.  PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED IN COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS – Use Unit 2, and a Variance of required setbacks from the centerline of public streets in an IL district to permit a parking garage.  SECTION 903.  BULK AND AREA REQUIREMENTS IN THE INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS – Use Unit 10, located NE & SE of 1st Street & Cincinnati Ave.



        The applicant, George Shahadi, P.O. Box 2400, Tulsa, OK 74102, submitted a site plan packet (Exhibit O-1) and stated that the application is to construct an accessory central plant on the site shown on the site plan and a parking garage.  There are pedestrian bridges planned to cross Cincinnati Ave. 


      Interested Parties:



      Board Action:

        On MOTION of COOPER, the Board voted 4-0-0 (Cooper, Dunham, Perkins, Turnbo, "aye"; no "nays", no "abstentions”; White "absent") to APPROVE Special Exception to permit a mechanical plan in CBD and IL zoned districts, finding that the special exception will be in harmony with the spirit and intent of the Code, and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare.  SECTION 701.  PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED IN COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS – Use Unit 2, and a Variance of required setbacks from the centerline of public streets in an IL district to permit a parking garage.  SECTION 903.  BULK AND AREA REQUIREMENTS IN THE INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS – Use Unit 10, per plan submitted, on the following described property:


         Lots 8 and 9, Block 87, Original Town, Now City of Tulsa, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma; Lots 1-4, Block 74, Original Townsite of Tulsa, now City of Tulsa, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma; and all that part of the original Tulsa station and depot grounds of the Burlington Northern Railroad Company's right-of-way located in Sections 1 and 2, T-19-N, R-12-E of the IBM and part of Block 75, Original Townsite of Tulsa, Tulsa County, more particularly described as follows:  Beginning at the NW/c of Block 74, Original Town of Tulsa, now City of Tulsa, Tulsa County, Oklahoma; thence Wly along the Wly production of the N line of Block 74 a distance of 80.00’ to a point, also being the NE/c of Block 73, said point also being the SE/c of that certain sale to the Tulsa Urban Renewal Authority dated December 30, 1970; thence Nly along the Nly production of the E line of said Block 73 a distance of 200’; thence Ely parallel 200’ Nly of the N line of said Block 74, a distance of 80’ to a point on the Nly production of the W line of Block 74; thence Sly along the Nly production of the W line of Block 74, a distance of 20’; thence Ely parallel 180’ Nly of the N line of said Block 74, a distance of 60.91’ to a point of intersection with an existing concrete retaining wall; thence NEly along a deflection angle to the left of 5°42’01”, a distance of 300.09’; thence Ely parallel and 90.20’ Sly of the S line and its Wly production of Block 56, a distance of 320.47’ to a point on the Nly production of the E line of Block 75; thence Sly along said Nly production of the E line of Block 75 a distance of 184.80’; thence Wly, parallel and 25’ Nly of the S line of Lot 1, Block 75, a distance of 140’ to a point on the Wly line of said Lot 1, Block 75; thence Sly along the Wly line of Lot 1, a distance of 10’; thence Wly parallel and 15’ Nly of said S line and its Ely production thereof, a distance of 88.40’ to a point on the Wly line of Lot 6, Block 75; thence Sly along said W line of Lot 6, a distance of 15’ to a point on the N line of Lot 5; thence Wly along the N line of Lot 5, Block 75, and the Wly production thereof, and along the Nly line and the Wly production of Block 74 to the point of beginning





Case No. 18380


        Action Requested:

        Variance of the 200’ setback requirement from the centerline of 129th E. Ave.  SECTION 803.  BULK AND AREA REQUIREMENTS IN THE CORRIDOR DISTRICT and a Variance from the requirement for an arterial collector street in a CO zoned district.  SECTION 804.  ACCESS REQUIREMENTS, located 442 S. 129th E. Ave.



        The applicant, Mark S. Stewart, was represented by Lou Reynolds, 2727 E. 21st Street, Suite 200, Tulsa, OK, who submitted a site plan (Exhibit P-1) and stated that because of the narrowness of the lot the 200’ setback does not leave enough room for development purposes.  They are asking to move it out 100’ and it would be in line with other commercial development on the east side of the street.  It is their intention to develop only one half of the lot and there is no intention to develop the other half at this time.  They will be filing a more detailed site plan with the planning commission at a later date.  Mr. Reynolds met with the neighbors and they do not have any problem with the proposed plans.


      Interested Parties:



      Board Action:

        On MOTION of DUNHAM, the Board voted 5-0-0 (Cooper, Dunham, Perkins, Turnbo, White, "aye"; no "nays", no "abstentions”; no "absent") to APPROVE Variance of the 200’ setback requirement from the centerline of 129th E. Ave. to 100’ SECTION 803.  BULK AND AREA REQUIREMENTS IN THE CORRIDOR DISTRICT and a Variance from the requirement for an arterial collector street in a CO zoned district.  SECTION 804.  ACCESS REQUIREMENTS, finding the hardship to be that the lot is too small to meet the requirement, on the following described property:


Lot 1 and 2, Plainview Heights Addition , City of Tulsa, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma.




Case No. 18367


        Action Requested:

        Request for refund of Board of Adjustment Fees. The Case was withdrawn by the applicant, John W. Elder, Jr.


      Staff Recommendation:

        Staff recommends full refund of fees.


      Board Action:

        On MOTION of DUNHAM, the Board voted 5-0-0 (Cooper, Dunham, Perkins, Turnbo, White, "aye"; no "nays", no "abstentions”; no "absent") to APPROVE Request for refund of Board of Adjustment Fees.


Case No. 18368


        Action Requested:

        Request for refund of Board of Adjustment Fees. The Case was withdrawn by the applicant, Brian Ward.


      Staff Recommendation:

        Staff recommends full refund of fees.


      Board Action:

        On MOTION of DUNHAM, the Board voted 5-0-0 (Cooper, Dunham, Perkins, Turnbo, White, "aye"; no "nays", no "abstentions”; no "absent") to APPROVE Request for refund of Board of Adjustment Fees.



        BOA Policies on carports and other detached accessory buildings.


      Comments and Questions:

        Mr. Beach submitted a memo to the Board members regarding cases that came up last year on carports.  In one particular case, the Zoning Officer determined that the carport, by definition was a detached structure, therefore was not permitted in the front yard.  The applicant came to the Board and asked for relief from that requirement.  The Board granted him that relief.  During the hearing, there was much discussion about “attached” and “detached” and how is it determined.  The Zoning Officer, from now on, is going to need some direction to help him make a decision when these cases come through.  Mr. Beach advised the Board that they cannot make a decision about this today – there is nothing before them to make a decision about.  They are not asking the Board to establish a policy or to make a determination but to have a discussion.


        Ms. Turnbo feels that if the Code states that the carport/accessory building must be an “integral” part, then they can never approve an aluminum car port because it is not an integral part of the house.  Mr. Stump mentioned that it can be approved by a Variance to allow a detached accessory building in the front yard.


        Mr. Dunham asked Staff if it would be easier to change the Code to say “with the exception of carports”.  Mr. Stump replied that it could, but they are trying to read what the intent of the Code is and by its language it appeared to them that the intent was not to allow the add-ons in a visible area of the front yard.  Mr. Jackere said that the Code should have had a provision stating “no carports in the front yard”. 


        Mr. Jackere stated that it is easy for the Board to approve a variance for a carport and find a hardship but if it is tested in District Court it will be very difficult to justify that hardship, in most instances.  Mr. Jackere said that he would not rely on the variance process all the time.  If the Board is looking to allow certain structures in the front yard, the Board may need to look at the meaning of integral and adjust it.


        Mr. Dunham stated that he would like to give Staff more discretion in some of the areas.  Mr. Dunham feels that the Board hears so many cases that are automatic that Staff could take care of.  Mr. Dunham believes that the Code should be changed to reflect the wording, “with the exception of carports”. 


        Mr. White stated that this is “the public hearing”, giving the interested parties a chance to respond for or against the application.  Mr. White agreed, in part, with what Mr. Dunham said and perhaps carports should be considered as a separate item.  Mr. White believes that the public comments are very important on these issues. 


        Mr. Cooper believes that Staff has made it very clear that these carports are not an “integral” part of the house.  Without a change in the Code, Mr. Cooper stated that he would vote no every time.  What has been done in the past has been a mistake and they will either never correct it or correct it now. 


        Mr. Stump suggested that the Code could classify carports in the front yard as detached accessory buildings and only allow them by exception.  Then the finding changes to compatibility and noninjurious with no hardship required.  Mr. Dunham agreed with Mr. Stump.


        Mr. Dunham suggested changing the Code to reflect a carport being allowed by special exception and not a variance. 


        Mr. Stump said that there are instances where a carport is put in and does not meet the building setback line–does the Board want those kinds of carports to be considered as a special exception with no hardship finding or just the ones that meet the setback requirements?  Mr. Dunham replied all need to be considered as a special exception.  After further discussion the Board decided that the carports that do not meet the setback requirements should be considered as a variance and the ones that do meet the setback requirements should be considered as a special exception. 


        Mr. Jackere asked the Board if they want to prohibit accessory buildings in the front yard whether attached or detached?  The Board replied affirmatively.



      There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m.



                                             Date approved: _____________________________



